
发布时间 2024年07月14日 分类: misc


        name = Daniel Dai
        email = daniel@danieldai.com
        s = status
        br = branch
        co = checkout
        cm = commit
        oldest-ancestor = !bash -c 'diff --old-line-format= --new-line-format= <(git rev-list --first-parent \"${1:-master}\") <(git rev-list --first-parent \"${2 …


How to split string in Python?

发布时间 2016年06月30日 分类: Python

Split string with identical separator

path = ''

nodes = path.split('+')

print nodes
['', '', '']
path = '*+221.160.226 …


Python Modules, Packages and Import

发布时间 2016年01月16日 分类: Python

Modules in Python are simply Python files with the .py extension, which implement a set of functions. Modules are imported from other modules using the import command.

To import a module, we use the import command. Check out the full list of built-in modules in the Python standard library here …
